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Supression Lists

Managing Opt-Outs in CareLaunch Campaigns


In CareLaunch Campaigns, opt-outs are managed automatically by default for both SMS and email.


When you send emails using CareLaunch Campaigns, it's important to manage bounces and spam complaints effectively. This ensures that you maintain a high deliverability rate and respect your recipient's preferences. CareLaunch Campaigns provides automated features like suppression lists and unsubscribe links to help you with this.

Suppression List

When an email you send via CareLaunch Campaigns bounces or results in a spam complaint, the recipient's email address is automatically added to a suppression list. This prevents further emails from being sent to that email address, safeguarding your sendesr reputation.

To comply with anti-spam laws and best practices, CareLaunch Campaigns automatically includes an unsubscribe link in the footer of your email messages. Recipients can click this link to opt out of future emails. Once a recipient unsubscribes, their email address is added to the suppression list, ensuring they do not receive any more emails from you through CareLaunch Campaigns.


In regions where it's mandated by local laws and regulations (such as the US and Canada), recipients of SMS messages can opt-out by replying with specific keywords. The following are the supported opt-out keywords:

  • END
  • QUIT
  • STOP
  • TD

To successfully opt out, the recipient must reply to the same long code or short code that was used by CareLaunch Campaigns to deliver the original message. After opting out, the recipient will no longer receive SMS messages from your CareLaunch Campaigns account.

Note on US Toll-Free Numbers

For campaigns using US toll-free numbers, opt-outs are managed at the carrier level. The only supported opt-out keyword for these numbers is STOP. Customization of the opt-out keywords or the response message that recipients receive when opting out is not available.