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Getting Started with CareLaunch Campaigns

To begin leveraging targeted messaging in CareLaunch Campaigns, a series of preparatory steps are necessary. For instance, you'll need to import patient or healthcare provider contact information into CareLaunch Campaigns, followed by the creation of segments to aim your messages at specific audiences. Afterward, design your messages and set up your campaigns. Upon campaign dispatch, utilize the built-in analytics in CareLaunch Campaigns to assess performance.

This tutorial covers each step for sending an email campaign to a selected segment of healthcare providers or patients via the CareLaunch Dashboard.


Upon initializing a new CareLaunch Campaigns account, it will be situated in a restricted mode for email, SMS, and voice message channels until you seek production access. While in this restricted state, you can still explore all features of CareLaunch Campaigns but some limitations.

To transition from this restricted state to production, submit a request via CareLaunch Support for each channel you wish to activate.

About This Tutorial

Intended Audience

This guide is crafted for healthcare administrators, medical professionals, and marketers who aim to optimize communications within their healthcare ecosystem.

This tutorial will teach you to execute the following using the CareLaunch Dashboard:

  • Import patient or healthcare provider data from a file.
  • Craft a segment focused on specific users based on attributes such as medical condition or recent interactions.
  • Create and schedule an email campaign for the chosen segment.
  • Examine email delivery and response metrics using built-in analytics.

Getting Started with CareLaunch Campaigns: Complete Tutorial

Step 1: Segment Creation


To define a precise audience for your messaging campaign.


  1. Navigate to the Segments tab within the CareLaunch Dashboard.
  2. Click on New.
  3. Select a segment.
    • A base segment named All Users is automatically created and acts as an all-patient segment.
    • For more details, refer to the Segments documentation.
  4. Name your segment and set up the attributes or conditions that define this group, such as age range, medical condition, or recent activity.
    • Attributes and metrics are used to define the group.
    • To have selectable attributes and metrics, these need to be defined first. Refer to the Attributes documentation for more information.
  5. Save the segment.

Step 2: Add an Email Identity


To create an email identity for your messaging campaign.


  1. Navigate to the Verified Identities section under Outreach.
  2. Click on NEW.
  3. Choose from one of the following verification options: Domain or Email Address.

For more details on email verification, you can find additional information here.

Step 3: Managing Templates


To create, edit, and manage reusable message templates for various types of communications like email, SMS, or Secure Message.


Creating a New Template

  1. Go to the Templates tab within the CareLaunch Dashboard.
  2. Click Create New Template.
  3. Choose the type of message template you want to create (e.g., Email, SMS, Secure Message).
  4. Fill in the template details, such as title, subject, and message body.
  5. Use placeholders for dynamic content, if needed.
  6. Save the template.

The Managing Templates section enables you to maintain consistent and efficient messaging across your campaigns. Utilize this feature to streamline your communications and ensure brand consistency.

Step 4: Building Campaign


To create the actual messaging campaign that will be sent to the segment of healthcare providers or patients.


  1. Navigate to the Campaigns tab.
  2. Click on Create New Campaign.
  3. Name your campaign and choose the type of message to send (e.g., Email, SMS, Secure Message).
  4. Select the segment created in Step 1 as your target audience.
  5. From the Template dropdown, select the template you wish to use.
  6. Schedule the campaign for immediate delivery or set a future date and time.
  7. Save and review your campaign settings.

Step 5: Launch and Tracking Metrics


To initiate your campaign and monitor its performance.


  1. Navigate back to your prepared campaign under the Campaigns tab.
  2. Click Launch Campaign.
  3. Once the campaign is active, go to the Analytics tab to monitor its performance.
  4. Key metrics such as delivery rate, open rate, and engagement level can be reviewed here for assessing the effectiveness of your campaign.