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A channel in CareLaunch Campaigns represents the platform through which you can engage specific audience segments. Channels are crucial for defining how and where your message will be delivered. CareLaunch Campaigns supports several channels:

  • Email
  • SMS
  • Voice - COMING SOON
  • Call Center - COMING SOON

You can also contact support to extend these core capabilities with custom channels.

Setting Up Outbound Channels

Before you can start a campaign, you need to work with support to enable the appropriate channels.

  • Email: Requires the configuration and confirmation of a domain or specific email address
  • SMS: Requires the registration of a 10DLC or toll free number

Engaging Your Audience

Once your channels are set up, you can engage your audience by following these steps:

  1. Define Your Audience: Go to the Segments tab and create a new segment. Specify the criteria that define this group of users.
  2. Create a Campaign: Navigate to the Campaigns tab and start a new campaign. During setup, you will choose the channel (like Secure Message, Email, etc.) you wish to use for this campaign.

Now you're all set to engage your audience through your chosen channels.