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FTP User Instructions for Provisioned Users

As an FTP user provisioned by your organization, you are granted secure access to a specific directory to upload data files. Below are important instructions to ensure smooth and secure usage of the FTP system:

Accessing the FTP Server

  1. Authentication:
  • User Name: Provided by your organization or can be provisioned by the system administrator.
  • Public Key: Provided by your organization
  1. FTP Client: Use an FTP client such as FileZilla, WinSCP, or Cyberduck to connect to the FTP server.
  • FTP Server URL: Provided by the system administrator
  • Port: 2022
  1. Login Credentials: Use the username and your corresponding private key to log in.

Uploading Files

  1. Directory Access: You have access to a specific directory assigned to you.
  • Your organization may have set up shared directories with other users or isolated directories depending on your access group.
  • Ensure that you are uploading files to the correct directory as instructed by your administrator.
  1. Uploading Files:
  • Ensure that the files are named according to any agreed-upon conventions to facilitate automated processing.
  • Upon processing for import, files will be moved out of the upload directory.

Guidelines for File Handling

  • Data Sensitivity: Handle all files with care, especially if they contain sensitive data (e.g., patient information). Follow your organization’s protocols for secure handling and encryption.
  • File Naming Conventions: Ensure that file names adhere to any specific patterns or conventions provided by your administrator, as this may impact automated processing.
  • Large File Uploads: If you are uploading large files, follow any guidelines on file size limits or batch uploads in smaller chunks if necessary.

Troubleshooting and Support

If you encounter any issues connecting to the FTP server or uploading/downloading files:

  1. Ensure you have the latest version of your FTP client installed.
  2. Check your internet connection.
  3. Verify your login credentials and public key.
  4. Check if you have sufficient permissions for the target directory.
  5. Try connecting from a different network to rule out firewall issues.

If problems persist, contact your organization's IT support or the system administrator.