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Plans are essential for managing tasks and tracking their progress through various statuses. They provide a structured approach to task management, ensuring that each task follows a predefined workflow from initial registration to various stages of care.

Task Creation

Automated Task Creation

When a patient registers on the platform or is added via a file import, clients can choose to automatically create a task for that patient. The automated task creation can be configured in the Automations tab. For more details on automations, refer to the Automations documentation.

Example Scenario:

  • An automation is set to create a task for every patient created in the platform.
  • The plan acts as a blueprint for the task, defining how it should be structured and managed over time.

Business Statuses

Status as a Board

Think of statuses as columns on a task board. Each column represents a status in a workflow that the task can work through. These columns are defined by the conditions set in the Plans section. Each status can be individually configured to match specific workflow requirements.

For each column status, you can set a business status. Business statuses are based on task types and can be programmed to be the same across multiple plans. This allows a task to appear on multiple boards if it shares the same business status, facilitating seamless task tracking and management.

Configuring Business Statuses

In the Plans section, you can configure the conditions that define each business status. These conditions are simple categories that help determine the status of a task at any given time, providing a structured approach to task progression.

Dynamic Values

Along with conditions, you can set Dynamic Values for each business status. For example, you might designate that once a task is moved into the status of "Care Delivered," it indicates that the task is complete, with the dynamic value set to "Completed."

Examples of Business Statuses:

  • Registered: Initial status when a patient registers or is added.
  • Care Manager Assignment: Status when a care manager is assigned to the patient.
  • Records Review: Status when the patient's records are under review.
  • Care Delivered: Status indicating that care has been provided. The dynamic value could be set to "Completed" to mark the task as done.
  • Ongoing Care: Status when the patient is receiving ongoing care.

Configuring Plans

Steps to Configure a Plan

  1. Navigate to the Plans Section: Access the Plans section through the platform's main menu.
  2. Define Statuses: Specify the various statuses that tasks can have, including initial and subsequent statuses that indicate progress.
  3. Set Conditions and Dynamic Values: Configure the conditions that define each status and set appropriate dynamic values to reflect task completion or other key indicators.

Plan Boards

Each plan will have a corresponding Board that is visible in the Board tab. Multiple plans can be set, each with its own board, which is helpful for different workflows for different clients.

Setting Plans in Automations

When creating an automation, you can set which plan you want the patient to be enrolled in. This ensures that the tasks follow the correct workflow defined by the plan.

Shared Business Statuses

Business statuses are shared between plans, so multiple plans can have shared statuses. If a business status is the same between boards, the task will appear on both boards because they share the same business status.