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Automations are a powerful way to automate your business processes. They can be used to send messages, update patient records, and more. You can create automations that are triggered by events in your system, such as a new patient record being created or a message being sent. You can also create automations that are triggered by external events, such as a timer.


The trigger determines what causes the automation to run.

FHIR Resource Events

FHIR resource events allow the automation to be triggered by a change in a FHIR resource. The resource type and event type are selected from dropdowns. The resource type is the type of FHIR resource that will trigger the automation. The event type is the type of change to the resource that will trigger the automation. The event type can be Created, Updated, or Deleted. The automation will run when the specified resource type is created, updated, or deleted.


Timers allow the automation to be triggered on a schedule. The timer can be configured to run on a recurring basis against a selected report. When selected each resource in the report will fire the automation. It is important to carefully select the report to ensure accuracy.


Filters allow the automation to be run only when certain conditions are met. The filters are based on the FHIR resource that triggered the automation. The resource type, field, and operator are selected from dropdowns. The operator is the type of comparison that will be performed. The value is the value that will be compared to the resource field. The automation will only run if the value in the resource field passes the comparison.

Multiple filters can be added to an automation. If multiple filters are added, the automation will only run if all of the filters pass.


An "action" refers to a specific task that the system performs automatically when certain conditions are met. Actions can be things like sending messages, creating tasks, adding patients to campaigns, or updating information. These actions can be customized to fit your specific needs and can also involve connecting with other systems or services. Overall, actions are like the "what happens next" part of your automation, ensuring things get done in context to your triggers and filters.


When you navigate to an automation, you'll find a set of options in the top right corner next to the "save" button, represented by three dots. Within this dropdown menu, you'll discover various choices, including the option to access logs specific to that automation. These logs are invaluable when it comes to verifying the proper execution of your automation. They offer insights and a comprehensive record of the automation's actions, ensuring that it is functioning as anticipated. This feature serves as a practical tool for monitoring and troubleshooting your automations.