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There are five different types of event triggers.


A "Manual" event trigger requires manual execution by an administrator. This means that an administrator must actively initiate and run the trigger when needed, as it does not operate automatically based on predefined events or conditions.

Scheduled (Recurring)

A "Scheduled (Recurring)" event trigger is designed to operate on a predefined schedule. Users can select an interval for the event to run automatically at regular intervals without the need for manual initiation. This allows for automated and consistent execution of the trigger based on the chosen schedule.

Resource Creation

A "Resource Creation" event trigger is activated when a new resource is generated or created within the system. This trigger is often configured to respond to the creation of either an observation or a patient. When the trigger is linked to an observation, it provides the flexibility to define specific source and value parameters that will initiate the trigger.

Within this event trigger, various types of actions are available to be associated with it. In certain cases, it may be advisable to consult with the CareLaunch team to determine the most suitable and effective action to pair with this trigger. Their expertise can help in identifying the best course of action to align with your specific requirements and objectives.

Trigger types

Resource Update

A "Resource Update" event functions in a manner similar to a "Resource Creation" event, with the key distinction being that it triggers when a resource is modified or updated rather than when it is initially created. This event is designed to respond to changes made to existing resources within the system, providing a way to monitor and trigger actions based on updates, ensuring your processes remain synchronized with the latest data.

Trigger types

Resource Delete

This event is configured to detect when a resource is deleted within the system. It is specifically designed to identify instances when resources are removed or no longer available, providing valuable monitoring and action-triggering capabilities for deletion events.